Accessing Data and Metadata

The commons configuration for Connect File Pulse.

Some filters (e.g : AppendFilter) can be configured using Simple Connect Expression Language.

Simple Connect Expression Language (ScEL for short) is an expression language based on regex that allows quick access and manipulating record fields and metadata.

The syntax to define an expression is of the form : “{{ <expression string> }}”.

ScEL supports the following capabilities :

  • Field Selector
  • Nested Navigation
  • String substitution
  • Functions

Field Selector

The expression language can be used to easily select one field from the input record :

{{ username }}

Nested Navigation

To navigate down a struct value, just use a period to indicate a nested field value :

{{ }}

String substitution

The expression language can be used to easily build a new string field that concatenate multiple ones :

{{ <expression one> }}-{{ <expression two>}}

Built-in Functions

ScEL supports a number of predefined functions that can be used to apply a single transformation on a field.

containsReturns true if an array field’s value contains the specified value{{ contains(array, value) }}
convertsConverts a field’value into the specified type{{ converts(field, INTEGER) }}
ends_withReturns true if an a string field’s value end with the specified string suffix{{ ends_with(field, suffix) }}
equalsReturns true if an a string or number fields’s value equals the specified value{{ equals(field, value) }}
existsReturns true if an the specified field exists{{ ends_with(field, value) }}
extract_arrayReturns the element at the specified position of the specified array{{extract_array(array, 0) }}
is_nullReturns true if a field’s value is null{{ is_null(field) }}
lengthReturns the number of elements into an array of the length of an string field{{ length(array) }}
lowercaseConverts all of the characters in a string field’s value to lower case{{ lowercase(field) }}
matchesReturns true if a field’s value match the specified regex{{ matches(field, regex) }}
nlvSets a default value if a field’s value is null{{ length(array) }}
replace_allReplaces every subsequence of the field’s value that matches the given pattern with the given replacement string.{{ replace_all(field, regex, replacement) }}
starts_withReturns true if an a string field’s value start with the specified string prefix{{ starts_with(field, prefix) }}
trimTrims the spaces from the beginning and end of a string.{{ trim(field) }}
uppercaseConverts all of the characters in a string field’s value to upper case{{ uppercase(field) }}

In addition, ScEL supports nested functions.

For example, the following expression is used to replace all whitespace characters after transforming our field’s value into lowercase.

{{ replace_all(lowercase(field), \\s, -)}}


In previous section, we have shown how to use the expression language to select a specific field. The selected field was part of our the current record being processed.

Actually, ScEL allows you to get access to additional fields through the used of scopes. Basically, a scope defined the root object on which a selector expression must evaluated.

The syntax to define an expression with a scope is of the form : “{{ $<scope>.<selector expression string> }}”.

By default, if no scope is defined in the expression, the scope $value is implicitly used.

ScEL supports a number of predefined scopes that can be used for example :

  • To override the output topic.
  • To define record the key to be used.
  • To get access to the source file metadata.
  • Etc.
{{ $headers }}The record headers-
{{ $key }}The record keystring
{{ $metadata }}The file metadatastruct
{{ $offset }}The offset information of this record into the source filestruct
{{ $system }}The system environment variables and runtime propertiesstruct
{{ $timestamp }}The record timestamplong
{{ $topic }}The output topicstring
{{ $value }}The record valuestruct
{{ $variables }}The contextual filter-chain variablesmap[string, object]

Note, that in case of failures more fields are added to the current filter context (see : Handling Failures

Record Headers

The scope headers allows to defined the headers of the output record.

Record key

The scope key allows to defined the key of the output record. Only string key is currently supported.

Source Metadata

The scope metadata allows read access to information about the file being processing.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $ }}The file namestring
{{ $metadata.path }}The file directory pathstring
{{ $metadata.absolutePath }}The file absolute pathstring
{{ $metadata.hash }}The file CRC32 hashint
{{ $metadata.lastModified }}The file last modified time.long
{{ $metadata.size }}The file sizelong
{{ $metadata.inode }}The file Unix inodelong

Record Offset

The scope offset allows read access to information about the original position of the record into the source file. The available fields depend of the configured FileInputRecord.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $offset.timestamp }}The creation time of the record (millisecond)long

Information only available if RowFilterReader is configured.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $offset.startPosition }}The start position of the record into the source filelong
{{ $offset.endPosition }}The end position of the record into the source filelong
{{ $offset.size }}The size in byteslong
{{ $offset.row }}The row number of the record into the sourcelong

Information only available if BytesArrayInputReader is configured.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $offset.startPosition }}The start position of the record into the source file (always equals to 0)long
{{ $offset.endPosition }}The end position of the record into the source file (equals to the file size)long

Information only available if AvroFilterInputReader is configured.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $offset.blockStart }}The start position of the current blocklong
{{ $offset.position }}The position into the current block.long
{{ $offset.records }}The number of record read into the current block.long


The scope system allows read access to system environment variables and runtime properties.

Predefined Fields (ScEL)DescriptionType
{{ $system.env }}The system environment[string, string]
{{ $system.props }}The system environment[string, string]


The scope timestamp allows to defined the timestamp of the output record.


The scope topic allows to defined the target topic of the output record.


The scope value allows to defined the fields of the output record


The scope variables allows read/write access to a simple key-value map structure. This scope can be used to share user-defined variables between filters.

Note : variables are not cached between records.