FileSystem Listing

Learn how to configure Connect FilePulse for listing files from local or remote storage system.

The FilePulseSourceConnector periodically lists object files that may be streamed into Kafka using the FileSystemListing
configured in the connector’s configuration.

Supported Filesystems

Currently, Kafka Connect FilePulse supports the following implementations:


Learn how to configure the LocalFSDirectoryListing to read files from local filesystem.


Learn how to configure the SftpFilesystemListing to read files on SFTP.


Learn how to configure the AmazonS3FileSystemListing to read files from AWS S3.

GCP Cloud Storage

Learn how to configure the GcsFileSystemListing to read files from Google Cloud Storage.

Azure Blob Storage

Learn how to configure the AzureBlobStorageFileSystemListing to read object files from Azure Blob Storage.

Alibaba OSS

Learn how to configure the AliyunOSSFileSystemListing to read files on Alibaba OSS.