GCP Cloud Storage

Learn how to configure the GcsFileSystemListing to read files from Google Cloud Storage.

The GcsFileSystemListing class can be used for listing objects that exist in a specific Google Cloud Storage bucket.

How to use it ?

Use the following property in your Connector’s configuration:



The following table describes the properties that can be used to configure the GcsFileSystemListing:

gcs.credentials.pathThe path to GCP credentials file. Cannot be set when GCS_CREDENTIALS_JSON_CONFIG is provided. If no credentials is specified the client library will look for credentials via the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.string-HIGH
gcs.credentials.jsonThe GCP credentials as JSON string. Cannot be set when GCS_CREDENTIALS_PATH_CONFIG is provided. If no credentials is specified the client library will look for credentials via the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.string-HIGH
gcs.bucket.nameThe GCS bucket name to download the object files from.string-HIGH
gcs.blobs.filter.prefixThe prefix to be used for filtering blobs whose names begin with it.string-MEDIUM
Last modified September 13, 2023: docs(gh-page): update (636e73c0)